How to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag

How to Spot Fake Louis Vuitton Some tips to tell the difference between authentic vs counterfeit. Learn about fake Chanel here Counterfeit designer items are a $461 billions dollar industry. Many counterfeit items are purchased with the buyer well aware they are getting a copy-cat, but there are transactions where fake products are being passed off as […]

Nancy Gonzales Handbags

Nancy Gonzalez Handbags Ok, let’s be real. If an alien from space came to earth, who had never been exposed to brand names, logos, marketing campaigns and such, would they really think Hermes and Louis Vuitton handbags were the most beautiful handbags on earth?  I submit they would not. Face it, many Louis Vuitton bags […]

Tom Ford Designs


TOM FORD Tom Ford was born in Austin Texas on August 27, 1961. He is most known for designing luxury clothing for brands like Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent and his own personal brand “Tom Ford”.  He is also a screenwriter, film director and producer. Not many people realize he directed films ‘A Single Man’ […]

Vintage Jewelry

estate sales

Vintage Jewelry at our Las Vegas Estate Sales Who ever said money can’t buy happiness didn’t know where to shop. I love fine jewelry and I don’t care where it came from, its age, or who owned it previously. Diamonds are diamonds, gold is gold,  and emeralds & sapphires just increase in value every year. […]

Crystal on consignment


IMPORTANT CRYSTAL Crystal On Consignment Las Vegas Estate Sales and Auction Company is more than just a typical ‘estate sale’ firm. They also do consignment, auctions, private sales, auctions, public sales, and of course, estate sales. Often when a client has a special collectible or collection of fine art, fine jewelry, or other specialty items,  […]

Tiffany Lamps On Consignment

Tiffany lamps

Tiffany Lamps Louis Comfort Tiffany, son of Tiffany & Co. founder Charles Lewis Tiffany started the Tiffany Lamp company rather than joining the family’s famous jewelry business. Louis then became on of the most significant artists during the period of Art Nouveau. Louis opened “Tiffany Studios”, and his early, most famous jobs included the Lyceum […]



LVHM Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy Who and what exactly is LVHM?  LVHM stands for Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy. It’s a huge luxury goods conglomerate headquartered in Paris. It all started in 1987 when Louis Vuitton merged with Moet Hennessy, (previously champagne company Moet & Chandon and Hennessy, the cognac manufacturer).  LVHM now includes about 60 luxury […]

Georgio Armani and other designer items


Giorgio Armani Seeking Giorgio Armani and other designer items. Giorgio Armani was born in northern Italy in the town of Piacenza.  He had a brother and a sister and his father was an accountant. Armani was headed towards a career in medicine, and even enrolled in the Department of Medicine at the University of Milan. […]

Restoration Hardware furnishings for consignment or auction


Restoration Hardware Furnishings For auction or consignment You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t like Restoration Hardware furnishings, accessories, lighting, paint, and other products for the home or office. The Industrial sensibility laced with a touch of elegance is comfortable to live in and showy enough to impress. It’s no surprise realtors and […]

Decorative Items for sale or auction

Decorative Items Art glass, mantle clocks, sculptures, candelabras, mirrors, urns, art, books, music boxes, vases. Many people will remember grandma’s antique clock that sat on her mantle above the fireplace in the living room. It was never moved over all the years. It may have even been gilded with gold.  She may have had a […]