How to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag

How to Spot Fake Louis Vuitton Some tips to tell the difference between authentic vs counterfeit. Learn about fake Chanel here Counterfeit designer items are a $461 billions dollar industry. Many counterfeit items are purchased with the buyer well aware they are getting a copy-cat, but there are transactions where fake products are being passed off as […]

Big Movie Poster (Lithograph) Auction


HUGE Movie Poster Auction If you have an appreciation of movies, movie posters, fine art, lithographs, or Hollywood, you won’t want to miss our upcoming auction of over 300 lithographs. Not only are they investment grade, they are fun for a pop of nostalgia in any home.  These prints made the old fashioned way since […]

Huge Sports and Hollywood Memorabilia Auction

celebrity memorabilia

Sports & Hollywood Memorabilia Al Capone, John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, Derek Jeter, Micky Mantle, Yogi Berra, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson, and more.  These are just a few of the exciting personalities represented in the Sports and Hollywood memorabilia auction on Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. The auction will include hundreds of […]

Baseball Card Collections

The hobby of collecting Baseball cards has turned into a valued commodity.  Young baseball card collectors have grown up to realize their treasured items have become part of a community that has influenced baseball card collecting to this day. Baseball cards were first sold in the 1880s. They were packaged in cigarettes as part of […]

Vintage Jewelry

estate sales

Vintage Jewelry at our Las Vegas Estate Sales Who ever said money can’t buy happiness didn’t know where to shop. I love fine jewelry and I don’t care where it came from, its age, or who owned it previously. Diamonds are diamonds, gold is gold,  and emeralds & sapphires just increase in value every year. […]

Edward Wormley Furnishings


Edward Wormley One of the pioneers of modern furnishings In 1926 Wormley studied at the  Art Institute at Chicago but when he ran out of money he took a job at department store Marshall Fields and Company. When he met the president of Dunbar Furniture Company he was hired to upgrade their line of furniture.  […]

Understanding Auctions


Auctions Keep calm and research ahead of time. People often think of auctions like what we on TV and in the movies. Wealthy women dressed in furs dripping in  diamond, men in custom suits, people whispering to one another and glaring at the competitive bidders, while staff are on the phones with mysterious bidders.  Well […]